It has been brought to my attention that although The Wolfe Clinic is still a running business things have changed dramatically there.

The person behind the original idea Dr. Wolfe has since retired and the business been sold. Dr. Wolfe is world renowned and much respected for treating chronic and degenerative diseases and is truely a pioneer in his field. The level of help i received from these people was second to none. However, since the business has been sold, the true meaning of the practice has declined and with it ALL confidence.

It is generally felt that this is most certainly not the true clinic it used to be.The information that i have mentioned on my site STILL stands. However i can no longer recommend there services with 100% confidence, something which is crucial in these circumstances.

ALL of the products which i have used and indeed are still using, can be purchased from PURICA.COM.

This is also a clinic in Canada which does the same as what the Wolfe Clinic USED to do. Every product and service mentioned in my site so far is offered from PURICA.COM.

They also, have consultants who are there to guide you through any treatment plan that you require.

Infact a large number of people who used to work at the Wolfe Clinic are now working for PURICA. Including our consultant MAUREEN FONTAINE.

Any information you may require either e-mail me or PURICA.COM

Many thanks.