Vaccines are produced from either dead or live attenuated (weakened) disease micro-organisms. In the dead vaccines, viruses or bacteria have been inactivated by heat, radiation or poisonous chemicals. However, there is no guarantee that all micro-organisms are dead. If one microbe survives, diseasse can take over.

Vaccines created from live attenuated viruses and bacteria are made from the pus of animals that have been infected with diseaes then butchered. In these vaccines the live virus must be weakened by passing the virus through animal tissue several times to reduce potency for human use.

The MEASLES virus is passed through chick embryos.

The POLIO virus is passed through monkey kidneys.

The RUBELLA virus is passed through the disected organs of an ABORTED HUMAN FETUS.

The weakened germ is then stabalised by adding drugs, antibiotics and toxic disinfectants such as Neanycin, Aluminium Hydroxide, Formaldahyde and Thimersol (Mercury dirivative).

EVERY case of Polio in the 1980's in the U.S.A. was caused by Polio vaccinations.

International Mortality Statistics say a 95% decline in diseases before mass vaccination. If this was the case, then why mass immunisation! After mass immunisations Measles returned with a death rate 20x higher than before Measles vaccination!

1853- Mandatory vaccination in UK
Up until now the highest death rate for Smallpox in any 2 year period was 2000. Between 1870 and 1872, 45000 people died from Smallpox! When people started refusing vaccinations, deaths from Smallpox fell.

Menangitis cannot be "caught", Only freshly vaccinated children will get it.

Thimerosal- a Mercury compound used as a preservative- HIGHLY TOXIC.

If modern medicine is such a break through why are more people dying from cancer than at any other time!

Our children are taking more vaccines than at any other time, is it just coincidence that there are more learning difficulties, asthma, autism etc.

If these vaccines are so safe why are the drugs used kept so "hush hush" and not made public.

There is NO scientific proof AT ALL that vaccines work. Just statistics supplied by companies who are backed by major drug companies.

Autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Diabetes, Deafness, Dyslexia and many more have all been linked as adverse affects to vaccines but not been made public.

The leading cause of death in the WORLD is overprescribed medication when it is not needed!

Before mass immunisation 1950's children handled diseases such as measles, mumps and whooping cough just fine. Since then childrens reactions to these diseases have been far worse.

Vaccinations were brought into play to illiminate diseases. How many people do you know who have had vaccinations for chickenpox, mumps, measles etc have never caught it! NOT MANY. This proving that they are ineffective.

In 3rd world countries where there is 100% vaccination how is the disease still there!

A single vaccine  given to a 6 pound baby is equivelent to a 180 pound adult having 30 vaccines in one day!

The SWINE FLU vaccine nutrient solution contains CANCEROUS cells from animals.

H1N1 - FLU VACCINE - Fox news reported to date this vaccine has caused 25,000 thousand heart attacks and 19,000 misscarriages.

Please check out this site http://imva.info/ This site has information about all vaccines and much more. If you want to go directly to the vaccine articles then you can use this http://imva.info/index.php/vaccines/.
The article on CHILDHOOD IMMUNISATION is particualy disturbing!

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